Batching Household Tasks – My Favorite Homemaking Tip
The key to getting many things done but not feeling mentally cluttered.
Batching household tasks brings sanity and gives me (and the house) a reset for what comes next.
The more activity and people in my home, the more cleaning and upkeep my house requires. Homeschooling is messy, hosting gatherings with other families creates more housework, and letting the kids do creative projects creates spills and sticky floors.
I have found the biggest obstacle with household tasks is deciding when to do what.
Batching saves me from overthinking.
Let’s look at the definition. You all know how much I love picking words apart!
(non-word nerds feel free to scroll on😉)
Websters 1828 – BATCH, noun [from bake.]
1. The quantity of bread baked at one time; a baking of bread.
2. Any quantity of a thing made at once, or so united as to have like qualities.
Cambridge Dictionary – BATCH, noun
1. a group of things that are dealt with or produced at the same time
2. to make a group out of a number of things so they can all be dealt with together.
Batching simplifies time spent thinking and decision-making.
I can simply move forward in action.
I use this idea in my homemaking in multiple ways.
Here are 2 easy examples:
I have strategically chosen times each day to worry about deal with dirty/clean dishes. In the mornings as the day begins, and in the evenings after dinner.
What this looks like:
My teen has the morning chore of unloading the dishwasher. This means that we start our day with an empty dishwasher and plenty of clean dishes.
During the day the house rule is that you put your dirty dishes in the sink. After we eat a meal or snack we automatically clean up our spot, rinse off the dishes, and stack them in the sink.
At the end of the day after dinner, my son loads the dishwasher, starts it, and all hand wash dishes are taken care of by me.
This is also when I clean up the kitchen. (With help from the kids.)
Why this works for me –
I do not feel guilt or annoyance for the dirty dishes all day long.
I know that they will be dealt with later that day. And if something happens and we don’t get to it that evening we will deal with it the next morning. There is consistent work done so that it doesn’t pile up.
I have a few days a week that I work on loads of laundry. Typically I load, switch, and fold on a few days a week.
What this looks like:
Mondays I put in a load of laundry as part of my morning routine. Then switch it before starting school work upstairs. That afternoon, I fold the clean clothes while listening to a podcast.
Fridays I do the same routine and maybe an extra load of towels or sheets.
My kids are old enough now that they each do their own laundry. I have taken the time to train and reinforce this life skill. This has been a huge burden lifted from my shoulders. (10 years ago I was doing over 8 loads of laundry a week.)
Why this works for me –
My laundry – I do not have to think about laundry when I am doing other tasks around the house. It has set days that it will get done and I usually can fold the load that day or the day after.
The kids laundry – They are learning real life consequences.
All of my kids have had to learn the cause and effect of not doing their laundry each week. I purposely do not rescue them from the mishaps of not having clean clothes. They have learned the hard way and it has helped them be more responsible. (I do give gentle reminders once or twice a week.)
Where can you apply the concept of batching to areas that are frustrating in your home?
What household tasks feel like they pile up?
Batching helps me know what needs to be done and when. I no longer waste time wandering the house or feeling guilty for dishes or laundry.
Someday all my kids will grow up and move out. Someday I will have fewer messes and less chores. But for now, I will continue to batch my tasks, make progress, and focus on being with the people in my home. They are what truly matter to me.