My Life in Lists - Creating Calm & Resilience
I have found freedom in list-making. When I know what I need to get done, what is expected of me, what I want to see accomplished, then I can choose what to do.
I have found freedom in list-making.
I know those two are contradictory statements but stick with me for a minute. When I know what I need to get done, what is expected of me, what I want to see accomplished, then I can choose what to do.
Clarity comes with time spent making decisions about where we want to go and how we want to get there. For me, lists are not about accomplishment, they are about focus.

Lists save me from getting distracted.
When I see what needs to be done, without stopping for reflection, then I do things in the wrong order. I sweep the floor and forget to prep today’s school lessons. My bathroom cabinet gets organized but then a birthday shows up on the calendar and I do not have gifts or plans made to celebrate that child. I end up folding laundry that could be done whenever and not thawing the meat for tonight’s dinner.
List-making saves me time and brain space.
If I have lists ready then I am able to do similar things together. I batch my tasks so that I am not scattered and wasting time. It is faster and more efficient to get everything done in one category all at once. I am no longer getting things done in pieces randomly. Also, if I know that I need milk and cheese at the grocery store then I can get them both while I am there.
Batching is all about efficiency. Think assembly line workers. What can you get done all at once while you listen to a podcast?
Lists remind me that connection is important.
I have date night lists, things to do with Jim, and movies we want to watch together. I also love lists about things to do with each of my kids. I have lists for questions to ask to have great conversations, fun things to do together, responsibilities to teach them, places to go, recipes to try, rainy day activities, difficult topics to discuss with my teens, books to read together, and restaurants to eat at as a family.
These help me be the “Fun Mom” that I want to be, instead of the task-oriented slave driver that I tend to lean toward.
Lists help me keep track of what I have completed.
I love Ta-Da lists!! They keep me grounded in what I have actually done. When I get in a funk the most effective thing for me to do is write out all the things I have done that day.
I write down all the silly small things and the big ones. I list all the things I have done to grow relationships along with the household tasks. This makes a dramatic difference for me. I can see in a tangible way everything I have completed and also list out everything I want to do. It validates the truth of my situation.
Ta-Da List Questions:
What small things have I done today?
What big things have worked on?
What healthy habits have I made progress on?
This morning I have made breakfast, grocery shopped, sorted the mail, folded a load of laundry, built a pillow fort in living room, snacks, talked with neighbor, lunch prep….etc.
I am able to reset my expectations when I see that I have a list of 20+ things that I am expecting myself to do during a one-hour toddler nap time. Or I can give myself credit when I see over 30 things listed that I have done before 3:00pm.
I often overestimate how much I can get done and underestimate how much I have already accomplished.
Making a list is a moment of reflection.
Sometimes I sit down and make a list, then I carry on with my day not checking anything off or even looking at the list again. But that is totally fine. I have felt the weight of mental fatigue lift by getting it out on paper. I have had the time for reflection, and now I know what is important.

So, how can list-making bring freedom to your week?
My hope for you is that whatever you day holds or whatever intimidating tasks you have written on your lists that you will feel calm and clarity. That you are able to do what is important to you today, this week and in this season.
Share which list you try out and how it works for you!
Ta-da lists! I love it! 😄